Today's post is going to share an update about our laser tattoo removal business, and introduce a super-exciting new collaboration with Manu 'Iwa O Ka Malanai. First, we'll wrap up our latest Children's Business Fair.

NOVEMBER 28, 2024

Children's Business Fair IV
Perfect weather and an ideally-timed shopping weekend led to tremendous sales by all 7 of our CBF vendors. We welcomed three newcomer (including first-grader Mason (!)), and blended seamlessly in-and-among the grownup businesses. Small business is about the thousands of small details; seeing the kids mind their storefronts by keeping their presentation (of inventory) fresh was incredible. The kids had their pricing listed clearly for the buyers. All the kids were prepared in terms of methods of payment and making change. All in all, it was a banner day for the young entrepreneurs, and The Collective is stoked to continue these events in 2025. Thank you to all the shoppers, and especially to Michelle Horton and the Lokahi Kailua Market team for partnering with us to perpetuate opportunities for these highly motivated kids!! See our CBF page for more images and a link to our separate CBF website.

Manu 'Iwa O Ka Malanai
The Collective is pleased to support Manu 'Iwa O Ka Malanai (MIOM). We look forward to assisting MIOM with outreach efforts and community awareness in the months ahead. We will host MIOM on December 8th during Sunday Market hours for this purpose. We hope to see you there!
Our Commitment:
The Manu ‘Iwa hui believes in the power of collaboration and coalition-building to create lasting, positive change in the face of scarcity due to decades of overfishing, poor management, and the challenges of sustainability. Together with the community and advocacy organizations, we can make significant strides toward a sustainable future.
We believe that lasting management of Hawai‘i’s resources begins with a foundation in community. Our activities focus on cultivating an informed, engaged, empowered, and resourced network to advance the organization’s mission.
Learn more about MIOM by visiting
Laser Beams!
Closing in on 10 months of treating clients for tattoo removal, we have seen some nice growth in our client base. We have promotions & advertisements in place and under development.
Near the center spread of the most recent Kailua Town Magazine, you can find our advertisement serving as a late-year announcement that we offer LTR services. We are glad to be featured in this issue which was designed to feature our Uluniu Street neighborhood.
We have a three-day event for first time clients coming up on December 13-15, with appointment slots set aside specifically for introducing people to our service. Tickets are available via our eventbrite link here.
Lastly, we're about to launch package deals using the Groupon application, where clients can get savings on bundled numbers of sessions.
Overall, we're very happy we added LTR to our repertoire, and have helped many of our tattoo clients proceed with newer cover-up pieces after a few laser sessions. For more on LTR, see our webpage.